A Crucial Part of Your Structural System in South Sioux City NE

A Crucial Part of Your Structural System in South Sioux City NE

A Crucial Part of Your Structural System in South Sioux City NE

The 7 Systems Plan starts with the foundation of a robust and reliable Structural System.

Your bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles protect and support all the other Systems.

When older people suffer fractures, or even when younger folks have arthritis, it often spells out the beginning of the end of participation in their favorite activities. Are you one of those more youthful or older individuals who struggle to move like you once did?

Bones lose collagen, calcium, vital amino acids, and essential minerals that give bones density and strengthen muscles as you age. Various factors contribute to this wild change in numbers for women and men. You can probably think of some.

Boys and men up to 60 or 65 are more likely to injure and break bones than girls and women. After that, females leap ahead of the unfortunate statistics to twice as likely as males to suffer from fractures. Women typically have smaller bones than men, and when slight people become fragile, things break.

Most Americans get plenty of protein, but little collagen, AND our body’s natural ability to produce adequate collagen decreases a percent or two every year starting in our teens. Seniors make only 40% of what they need at 60 years and only 20% at 80.

Do you remember what builds strong bones and muscles? Lots of things, of course, but the ones you probably hear about most are calcium, vitamin D, and . . . collagen. Read on to learn how collagen can support your structural system in South Sioux City NE.

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Things that Wreck Your Collagen in South Sioux City NE

  1. Genetics begins to determine how much collagen you start with and can produce, preserve, and augment. But modern epigenetics shows that you can modify how genes express themselves through lifestyle.
  2. Age of collagen waning varies for everyone, but depletion accelerates during and after menopause, which is one explanation for the sharp increase in bone fractures for older women.
  3. Ultraviolet (UV) Rays exposure over time changes cells that make collagen and creates free radicals that diminish it through oxidative stress.
  4. Smoking limits the oxygen delivered to developing and working tissues. Our bodies continually require oxygen for our Systems to function, and when lung tissue destruction occurs faster than collagen can repair, other Systems will suffer as the body attempts to keep up.
  5. Stress prompts cortisol release to combat challenges at hand and decreases your ability to produce collagen as the body focuses on reducing inflammation.
  6. Nutrient deficiency leaves the body unable to maintain the foundational network of the Structural System.

A Rich Spectrum of Benefits

Collagen is the most substantial and prevalent protein in the body. In fact, it should be 30% of all the protein you are made of. A paramount duty of collagen is to create a structural scaffolding for your organs and tissues as they grow and move. It literally holds you together.

Collagen not only builds strong bones but also allows flexibility while maintaining the integrity of connective tissue, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, and the digestive tract. Its science-backed, medically proven benefits are abundant.

  • Provides the scaffold inside your bones and prevents bone loss
  • Relieves muscle and joint soreness, stiffness, and chronic pain
  • Strengthens muscle fibers, tendons, and ligaments
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enhances skin complexion, hydration, and suppleness
  • Improves the integrity and elasticity of connective tissue
  • Slows hair loss and follicle thinning and thickens brittle hair
  • Repairs weak or damaged nail beds
  • Promotes heart health and circulation
  • Supports the gut lining and intestines

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When you use quality collagen peptides, they absorb quickly into the bloodstream, activating biochemical pathways. For example, in the skin, they create new collagen fibers and increase skin suppleness to reduce wrinkles.

Collagen also contains glycine, which lowers inflammation and oxidative stress throughout your body. It helps prevent leaky gut, which can trigger an auto-immune disease.

What This Means for You

If you are reading this and have identified some signs of collagen deficiency, know that there is hope for you! I am always amazed at what our bodies can do if we give them what they need. An enormous oak tree grows from a seed with fertile soil, water, appropriate climate conditions, and sunlight.

A poor diet will accelerate the loss of collagen over time. You won’t wake up tomorrow after having fast food and donuts today and suddenly break all your bones.

But, if your body does not receive what it needs to continue to rebuild, after time, it will take its toll on the Structural System.

7 Interventions to Preserve and Increase Body Collagen

The following are actions that can slow the decline of collagen and increase what you have. No matter what age you are, it is never too early to act, and it is never too late to implement strategies to improve your life.

1. Bone broth from organic, pasture-raised animals is rich in collagen.

Chiropractic South Sioux City NE Thrive Market Bone Broth

2. Ginseng has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that protect and optimize collagen in the bloodstream.

3. Hyaluronic acid, found in bone broth, organ meats, and many veggies, is available in supplement form, which also improves skin moisture and decreases wrinkles.

4. Vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables work together with other nutrients in collagen synthesis.

5. Antioxidants from blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries insulate you from free radicals and boost existing collagen activity.

6. Garlic contains sulfur and lipoic acid, which help produce collagen and rebuild damaged network fibers.

7. Collagen NutriDyn Collagen Renew is the easiest way to get all the blessings of the preceding list of 6 interventions.

Chiropractic South Sioux City NE Nutridyn Dynamic Collagen Renew

The Structural System is indeed a miracle foundation for a beautiful and healthy body. While collagen supplementation is not purported to be a “miracle fix,” studies show you can discover changes within a couple of weeks.

Collagen is something everyone would benefit from as they age. The expected window of observable, significant benefits is between one week and two months.

Now that you know how important collagen is, here is what to look for in a quality collagen preparation:

Collagen that is Powder – Not Liquid Collagen

Most liquid collagen supplements are made from marine collagen, which is lacking in type III collagen (the type that is critically important for skin health).

Collagen with no odor or taste, “Stinky” Collagen, Might Not Be Safe.

When it comes to quality, spotting grade-A collagen is often a matter of following your nose and taste buds. An unpleasant odor or taste from your collagen supplement could be a result of inferior sources or overheating during processing. Collagens that smell or taste bad can be weeded out as sub-par brands.

Collagens that do not clump in water.

Collagens that clump may be a sign of inferior collagen or improper processing.

Collagen that is GMP certified.

Insufficient quality control practices (the manufacturing facility doesn’t meet FDA standards, which is common with facilities not based in the USA). Sadly, there are many cheap, worthless products out there that have little benefit.

Collagen blends containing the most important types.

With 16 types of collagens available, many products contain cheap forms that give you little benefit. Use a quality product with types 1-5, the most useful blend for your body.

Collagen that covers all the bases.

  • Bone and joint support
  • Ligaments and tendons
  • Healthy skin appearance
  • Strong nails
  • Decrease pain

It is great to have one product that covers them all, so you do not have to buy several products.

Collagen with clinical studies to support the product.

I always say, “show me the studies,” and fortunately, one product has them.

The one I use that meets all these criteria and covers all the bases is Dynamic Collagen Renew. See link below for more details.

Video of the Week:

Does Collagen Really Help?


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Tri-State Physicians &
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3900 Dakota Avenue #6
South Sioux City, NE 68776

(402) 494-5173